The Journal for Social Science Archives is a pioneering academic publication dedicated to the documentation, preservation, and dissemination of valuable archival materials in the field of social sciences. This esteemed journal serves as a platform for scholars, archivists, researchers, and practitioners to share insights, methodologies, and discoveries related to social science archives, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and advancing archival studies.
Aims and Focus: The primary objective of the Journal for Social Science Archives is to promote the recognition and significance of archival collections in the social sciences. The journal focuses on a wide array of archival materials, including manuscripts, oral histories, photographs, government records, personal papers, and multimedia resources that hold historical, cultural, and sociopolitical significance.
Scope of Content: The journal publishes scholarly articles, research papers, case studies, review articles, and essays that explore various facets of social science archives. The content spans diverse topics and themes, such as:
Archival Methodologies: Discussions on innovative methods and best practices in archival management, digitization, preservation, and access strategies.
Archives and Historical Research: Studies utilizing archival sources to explore historical events, social movements, cultural shifts, and societal changes.
Community and Oral Histories: Documentation of community narratives, oral histories, and indigenous knowledge preserved within archival collections.
Digital Archives and Technologies: Exploration of digital archiving, metadata standards, digital preservation, and the impact of technology on archival practices.
Archives and Social Justice: Examination of archives' role in documenting marginalized communities, human rights, social justice movements, and activism.
Editorial Process and Quality Standards: The Journal for Social Science Archives upholds rigorous scholarly standards, employing a double-blind peer-review process to ensure the authenticity, relevance, and academic rigor of published content. Submissions undergo thorough evaluation by experts in archival studies and related disciplines, maintaining the integrity and scholarly value of the journal.
Audience and Impact: The journal caters to a diverse audience, including archivists, historians, sociologists, anthropologists, librarians, educators, policymakers, and students interested in archival research and preservation. By providing a platform for sharing archival knowledge and methodologies, the journal aims to facilitate collaboration, advance scholarship, and contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage.
Journal Information
Name of Journal: Journal for Social Science Archives
Journal Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN Online: 3006-3310
ISSN Print: 3006-3302
DOI: 10.59075/JSSA
Language: English.
Review Type: Double Blind Peer Review
Area of Publication: Social Sciences (miscellaneous)