The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Marketing Strategies: Navigating the Future of Intelligent Marketing

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Marketing Strategies: Navigating the Future of Intelligent Marketing


  • Dr. KanwalAmin University of Sindh, Jamshoro


Customer Targeting, Data Analysis, Automation, Personalization, AI in Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Marketing Strategies


                        This scholarly article explores the profound impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on marketing strategies in the contemporary business landscape. Drawing on a synthesis of academic literature, case studies, and empirical evidence, the article analyzes the transformative effects of AI on various facets of marketing, including customer targeting, personalization, data analysis, and automation. By examining the dynamic interplay between AI and marketing strategies, this article aims to provide insights into how businesses can harness the power of AI for strategic advantage in an increasingly data-driven and technologically advanced environment.




How to Cite

Dr. KanwalAmin. (2023). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Marketing Strategies: Navigating the Future of Intelligent Marketing. Journal for Social Science Archives, 1(2), 80–90. Retrieved from